Payout Incentives in Real Time

Keep morale high and turnover low. Arcade instantly incentivizes motivation and rewards proactive employee performance.

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Reward Your Team with the Freedom of Choice

Drive employee performance with six proprietary team game types designed to motivate, engage, and align your team with result-driven goals.

  • Instant reward delivery
  • Visa cash available for flexible use
  • Travel partners, restaurants, and more
  • Memorable experience options for more variety
Pay Your Sales Incentives Faster

How It Works

Arcade uses an enticing, simple, and visual reward structure designed to propel employee performance while tracking success along the way.

No Fees

A dollar in is a dollar out. No funky fees or confusing service charges.

Automatic Payouts

Sales incentives will be paid as soon as results are verified.

Instant Rewards

Employees cash in for rewards, instantly.

Free E-book

Learn How to Effectively Use Employee Rewards to Optimize Sales Success

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Rewards and Prizes Your Team Actually Want

From memorable experiences, products, or straight up cash - the freedom of choice is the ultimate reward.

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See how 1,000+ sales leaders are using Arcade to increase results and earnings.

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